Double Terminated and Tourmaline in Quartz

Double Terminated and Tourmaline in Quartz
Double terminated crystals often grow naturally with a point at each end. DT’s are also often in high demand as the shape allows for an excellent flow for both sending and receiving energy. Transference of energy is important in grid work, healing work, and balancing of all chakras. Used frequently by clairvoyants, they are said to be blessed with innate powers to assist on enhancing psychic abilities and dream interpretation. Combine that with finding double terminated Tourmaline in Quartz DT’s, combined with an incredibly juicy price, you simply cannot go wrong with acquiring one of these beauties! Tourmaline in Quartz balances the yin/yang energy while bringing HARMONY to opposing elements and polarities! Highly grounding, super protective- these are said to form an etheric
shield, almost like a mirror effect while absorbing all negative energy sent your way and transmuting it to positive energy! Releases tension and assists boldly with hostile relationships. Third eye Chakra.