Epidote and Quartz

Epidote and Quartz
Epidote and Quartz Specimens ~ Brazil, United States
Chakra ~ All

The healers healing stone combined with Quartz make these beauties a powerful enhancing stone. It attracts abundance, prosperity, creativity and love while it combats energies that are heavy, thick and negative. A rejuvenating stone for all those who do any kind of spiritual work as it’s innate power knows when your cup needs to be replenished. If you keep going and your energy is depleted, these beauties will create periods of time where you can get much needed rest. Epidote also has the ability to illuminate areas of opportunity so that you are receiving blessings from the Universe right when they are needed most. These beauties come from Brazil and can range from pale yellows to deep greens and have a significant impact on love and relationships by helping to mend and mold relationships in a secure and safe foundation. They will also infuse your energy with creativity so any relationship that has been stagnant and stuck will begin to flourish once again.

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