Golden Sheen Obsidian
Golden Sheen Obsidian is an ultimate tool for grounding and protection. History shows these beauties were among the first used in scrying as it helps us to remove our ego self and truly embody our higher aspects. A perfect tool to use for self discovery in meditation to pin point any areas of healing that may be deeply hidden. Known to identify those triggers and put them at ease. Helps to balance energy fields not just of yours but of those around you. Additionally, these will help bring clarity to the forefront of your minds eye and provide the exact formula you need to aid with your manifestations. Removes blockages and assists the Root and Solar Plexus Chakra. A confidence booster and one that will help us uncover secret talents and gifts. If you are looking for prosperity in your life and with your finances, these beauties help bring about what you rightfully deserve! Reclaim what you desire and be ready to open the doors to a Shamanic journey full of peace, divine knowledge, and universal love.