
Kunzite ~ Afghanistan, Brazil, Madagascar, Pakistan, and United States.
Chakra ~ Heart 
Kunzite is known as a "Stone of Self Healing", as its energy is a powerhouse in peeling back the layers of our own "onions". It allows one to actually shed the old layers and promotes new growth. Kunzite is also powerful stone for removing blockages and reconnecting our heart space, our emotions to our mind. This is important as it helps to solve issues from a rational point vs. coming from emotion. Additionally, it helps to remove the walls we build around our heart for protection and encourages us to be receptive to abundant and unconditional love. 
Kunzite is also a heart healthy crystal and helps you to overcome loss, separation, and heartbreak. Among the crystal community, it is also known as the go to stone for woman, single moms, and children. It helps woman who may have times of struggles with raising their children, helps with babies who are restless and have trouble sleeping, and helps woman in general love themselves and their bodies. Those who struggle with compassion for others or struggle with negative thoughts towards others can utilize Kunzite's nurturing energy to become positive. The women supporting women stone is right here but it is not limited to just removing negativity towards other woman. It will also work the same towards masculine energy. 
These beauties come in a range of colorations from pink, lavender, yellow and pale colors.