Phosphosiderite *RARE* ~ only a couple pockets still exist today ~ Argentina, Belgium, Germany, France, Australia, Brazil, Czech Republic, Italy, Portugal, Spain, United States.
Chakras ~Root, Solar Plexus, Heart
Phosphosiderite is known as a "Grounding Stone of the Emotional Body", with the powers to help with the everyday stressors you may encounter throughout your journey. This beautiful mineral helps activate your root chakra, enabling you to calm yourself with ease and open yourself to the nourishment of Mother Earth’s vibrational energy. The phosphate within aids in activating your heart and solar plexus chakra. This connection is purposeful to channel the most sacred emotions you hold and propel as fuel for you to grow. The harshest of pain stays with us long after the actual situation has passed, leaving us with two options; either stay in that energy and allow it to put a pause on your development, or push forward and use that hurt as a source of power. The yellow hints found in only some of these rare beauties is Cacoxenite which helps to connect your personal will power to your heart.
Phosphosiderite's energy is unique and cannot be duplicated by another stone. The source of this inner power will connect to you while taking the hurtful energy and transmuting it into love of and for yourself. Harnessing the energy of this stone can provide you power that can help remove the endless struggles in your life that has left you uncertain of your path forward.
These beauties are amazing for stress relief, overcoming feelings of loss and grief, aiding in calming symptoms of PTSD, trauma and anger. Phosphosiderite provides the calming, soothing energy needed to overcome any type of needed emotional healing all while advancing you gently through your spiritual path of self discovery. Regain your sense of purpose and remove stagnant energies with this amazing powerful stone.
Copyright @ Crystal Infinity