Tangerine Quartz

Tangerine Quartz
Tangerine Quartz ~ Himalayas
Chakra- Sacral

A “Stone of the Inner Self”, for its remarkable power to help you achieve a higher understanding of who you are. It is a stone of self acceptance and allows you to thoroughly work through the past and forgive yourself and others. A beauty that really enables you to put the past to rest and focus on your future. The powerful energy allows you to see and understand the events that are affecting you in life and is a calming masterpiece for anyone who has experienced physical and energetic trauma. It helps heal you from any possible psychic attack… and trust me, these types of attacks don’t just come from what some deem as a “spiritual person.” They come from ordinary people, coworkers, people trying to advance to the top and even politicians.. but I digress.
Tangerine Quartz is a savior energy for anyone feeling like life is filled of one chaotic nightmare after another. It fosters change for the better and brings in compassionate energy rather than assigning blame. A stone of strength to step out of dense energy as it raises your vibration. These beauties also beam with creative energy and infuses your Sacral Chakra with playful and expressive energy. It can also help to stimulate pleasure sexually and emotionally.
Tangerine Quartz comes from some of the highest altitudes of the Himalayan Mountains.
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