
Wavellite ~ Australia, England, Japan, United States
Charka ~ Heart
Wavellite is a *rare* phosphate mineral that crystallizes in clusters, stalactites, needle-like crystals, or as a spherical structure.
Known as a “Stone of Connection”, for its powerful energies to help find the real you. It works to discover the parts of you that have been hidden and provides assistance in being able to bring your truest self to the surface.
Wavellite has immense power to pull in love energy for self and compassion for others. The energy also helps to identify what is truly the cause of any angst within ourselves and in relationships.
More often than not; we are hesitant to voice problems and show our truest emotions. Wavellite helps bring these emotions to the surface so that they may be dealt with. By facing these feelings and accepting that they are there, you can then move forward and begin to grow.
These beauties are able to remove any blockages that may be in your chakra channel. If your chakras are not fully in line, it can cause you to feel an imbalance, express unstable emotions, become short tempered, and stifle forward movement and growth. Meditating with this stone over your heart can help identify where the blockages may be. While maintaining a clear and calm mind, you will be able to focus all your energy on the exact part of the body that needs healing. This energy will help bring to the surface any negative vibration that is affecting your being.
Expect to expand your intuition and awareness while using this stone. As you begin to grow into your true self by peeling away all the layers of who we’ve had to become to appease the masses, your light will brighten and you’ll feel a sense of rejuvenation! ✨
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